API Reference

This endpoint return the report data for your report for a given split. A split is made up of pages. Pp to 100 items per page are available.

Response Explanation

statustrue if request was a success, false if not
properties.uuidUUID of the report
properties.report_dateDate of the report
properties.split_nameThe unique name (id) of the current split being viewed
properties.totalThe total number of content items in the current split
properties.total_pagesThe total number of pages in the current split
properties.current_pageThe current page you are on. Pagination starts at page 0 (zero)
properties.per_pageThe number of content items per page
contentArray of all the data for one page and one split in this report. The field / key names in this array will vary by the report. Data will be consistent across all splits and pages of the report. Note: the content in this example is just for demonstration purposes.
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