Welcome to the Product Locator (PL) API documentation. This API enables programmatic interaction with Locally's Product Locator, allowing you to launch product and shopping cart pages programmatically.


The Product Locator API provides two main functions:

  1. Opening the Product Locator's product page for a specific UPC.
  2. Managing cart operations for a UPC including opening the cart page and handling affiliate redirects.

The API supports multiple widgets on a single page and includes event emitters for tracking cart operations.


Before using the API, ensure you have:

  1. Received and installed the required code snippet from your Locally representative for launching the modal on your product pages.
  2. If you're using an existing Product Locator embed code, added the following parameters:
    var lcly_config_0 = {
        // Your existing configuration
        "hide_widget": "1",
        "enable_pl_api": "1"
        // Other configuration options
    Note: hide_widget is an optional parameter that hides the Product Locator launcher/widget.


For additional support or questions, please contact your Locally representative.