JUMP TOWelcomeIntroduction to Locally APIsCREDENTIALSGenerate An API KeyCart APICart API OverviewPushCart IntegrationCart-to-Cart IntegrationShip-to-Store IntegrationWebhooksGet All CartsgetGet A Single CartgetUpdate a CartpostUpdate a Cart ItempostCart Item StatusesExternal Headless APIHeadless API OverviewCreate a Product LocatorDecide on a Checkout FlowCreate a Checkout ExperienceSubmit a Cart & Credit Card AuthorizationTesting Your IntegrationHandling Errors in ProductionSessionGet session IDgetCartGet cartgetUpdate cartpostAdd cart itemsgetValidate cart emailpostAuthorize payment. Commit order.postGet Stripe Connected IDgetCreate cart. Add items. Authorize payment.postCommit orderpostAuthorize paymentpostConversionGet common datagetStart conversiongetGet inventory datagetGet location datagetLocationSwitch session locationgetSuggest locationsgetSuggest addressesgetUtilitySend Save for Later emailgetSend emailgetProductLocate products at stores by style or UPCgetData Sharing APIData Sharing API OverviewReport IndexgetReport PagegetShopSense Reports"SwitchLIve" real-time Data pixelLive Events API OverviewLive Events Integration GuideLive Event Model ReferenceRecipe: Capture "Product Locator Funnel" dataSetting up GTM to Capture SwitchLive EventsLocal marketing apiLocal Marketing API OverviewStores By BrandgetStores By ProductgetStores By UPCgetProduct Locator APIProduct Locator API OverviewLaunch Product PageLaunch Cart PageProduct Locator EventsGet A Single Cartget https://www.locally.com/api/v2/cart/{cart_hash}Retrieves all of the data for a specific cart.