About Locally Live Events (AKA SwitchLive)

SwitchLive is a client-side event-tracking library which is deployed to monitor end-user interactions with Locally’s public-facing user interfaces, such as the Store Locator, Product Locator and Locally Landing Pages tools.

As a brand’s end-users interact with Locally’s SL, PL or LLP interfaces, SwitchLive continuously emits events, which may be monitored or utilized by the brand’s own web application code. SwitchLive provides a straightforward interface and pattern for web application owners to execute their own business logic when interactions occur with Locally's interfaces. Using the instructions in this document, Locally’s brand partners may collect, track, or directly act upon the events emitted by SwitchLive.

SwitchLive is implemented in JavaScript and is environment, browser and device agnostic. SwitchLive is implemented using non-blocking asynchronous patterns.


SwitchLive is an upgrade that can be added to your existing Locally subscription as an additional service. Please contact your Locally account manager to have this enabled or contact[email protected].

Enabling SwitchLive

Once SwitchLive has been added to your subscription, your Locally Support Manager will enable this feature for your tools and you can proceed to integrating this on your live site.