Handling Errors in Production

You are advised to have a timeout for all headless API requests. Please handle this in your app integration.

For critical connectivity issues, please refer to https://status.lcly.co/ for updates. The API (v2 / Headless, Cart and Marketing) component will report any ongoing issues.



	"success": false,
	"msg": "There is a difference between the requested (3.75) and calculated (4.12) tax for some items. AvaTax calculated an amount higher than the TaxOverride amount provided for an SST transaction. The higher amount will be reported.",
	"error_code": 1335

There are several msg payloads which contain verbose information about the reason for the failure. Each error message is accompanied by a specific error_code (see the table below).


	"success": false,
	"msg": "App server error. Please contact the administrator. - lookup: 1724262168",
	"error_code": 1000

Unexpected, fatal errors will occur if there is a problem with the data payload that locally is unable to process, but cannot reply with specific detail about the root cause. These errors are logged securely at Locally for authorized review. We also encourage you to file a ticket with our customer support team at [email protected] to report any you find.

The msg field for these errors will always be prefixed with App server error with an error_code of 1000.

General Errors

Error CodeError Description
1000App server error. Please contact the administrator.
1101Sorry, you don't have access to this service. Please contact your Locally support manager for assistance.
1102Not authorized to access.
1206Authentication error: User not found.
1323We are experiencing issues with our payment processor. If the option is available, please try adding the item to your cart again using the "Reserve Now Buy In Store" option.
1327We’re sorry, we've detected that this item is no longer available and cannot be purchased.
1328Stripe error.
1329Store not found.
1330Could not find Stripe Connected ID.
1331Some items could not be added to the cart.
1332Bulk cart payload failed validation
1333Some items in the cart could not be updated.
1335There is a difference between the requested ({{ REQUESTED_TAX_TOTAL }}) and calculated ({{ CALCULATED_TAX_TOTAL }}) tax for some items.
1340Invalid JSON syntax.

Bulk Order Validation Errors

Error CodeError Description
1341path_to_purchase is required.
1342path_to_purchase must be one of bopis, ropis, sts, or sdd.
1343store_id is required and must be a numeric value.
1344items array is required and must contain at least one item.
1345Each item in items must have a upc.
1346Each item in items must have a numeric qty specified.
1347Each item in items must have a numeric price_per_unit specified.
1348If tax_per_unit is specified, it must be a numeric value.
1349shopper array is required.
1350shopper array must contain a valid email.
1351shopper array must contain first_name.
1352shopper array must contain last_name.
1353shopper array must contain phone.
1354shopper array must contain city.
1355shopper array must contain zip.
1356mute_comms must be either 1 or 0.