API Reference

The various cart item status possibilities

StatusStatus CodeDescriptionEnd State
In Cart0Item has not been ordered yet.Possible
Ordered10Item has been ordered. For orders utilizing a credit card, the shopper's card has been authorized successfully but no payment has been captured.No
Confirmed35Retailer has confirmed that the item is in stock.Possible
Charge Failed30Extremely rare case where a shopper's card was authorized but the attempt to capture payment failed. This could be due to an issue with the card processor. Retailers should plan to accept payment when the shopper visits the store.Yes
Canceled20Shopper has canceled the order. If any card authorization was made, it has been canceled.Yes
Fulfilled40For same-day-delivery orders, the item has reached the shopper successfully.Yes
Refund Pending38Retailer has initiated a refund but the funds have not yet been settled with payment processor. This is a temporary status and will resolve to "Partially Refunded" or "Refunded" once funds have fully settled.No
Partially Refunded36Retailer has successfully refunded part of the cart item sub-total.Yes
Refunded37Retailer has successfully refunded all of the cart item sub-total (and applicable sales tax)Yes