API Reference

The API provides endpoints to partners interested in leveraging Locally data to build marketing solutions. This might be a brand leveraging the Local Marketing API to build their own solutions, or an approved third-party marketing partner working on behalf of a brand to offer marketing solutions that promote where to find and buy the brand’s in-stock products at local stores. This API gives partners a way to programmatically lookup nearby stores and store inventory availability at style and UPC level.

Get started by generating an API Key.

You will need an API Key to access your CartAPI endpoint. See Generate An API Key for more info.

Request brand access

If you are a brand enabling this on your own behalf, you can skip this step. If you are a third-party marketing partner and need access to a brand’s Local Marketing API data, following these instructions.

Navigate to the Relationships panel by visiting https://www.locally.com/station/panel/brand_store_relationships/index

Under Brand Authorizations search for the desired brand and select “Store API Access” in the dropdown.

If desired, add a message to the brand describing the intended use of their data and click “Send Authorization Request”.

If your request is approved, the brand authorization will appear in the Relationships panel.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can I not see results for certain brands?

You must be authorized for a particular brand. Additionally, only brand approved dealers appear in API results.

What is the rate-limit for this API?

The current rate-limit is 1000 requests per minute.